Ass. Prof. Dr. Piotr H. Skarżyński M.D., Ph.D., MSc at the announcement of the nomination contest Teraz Polska

– It is very important for us that the very recognisable ‘Teraz Polska’ logo should serve us to build a better recognition of Poland as a brand – said Ass. Prof. Dr. Piotr H. Skarżyński.

– We provide services using very advanced solutions provided by telemedicine that allow the patient to diagnose and provide remote rehabilitation. It is very useful for those people who are abroad because they have to fly an airplane and get visas for themselves and their family and of course they prefer to do it stying at home and only come for surgery to Poland.

We invite you to read the entire article and watch the video material on the Polskie Radio or the Puls Biznesu official websites. Polskiego Radia lub Pulsu Biznesu.