The Twenty Top Managers received their awards during the ceremony organised by the Bloomberg Businessweek Poland. The laureates selected on the basis of survey on the best Managing Director in Poland included Ass. Prof. Dr. Piotr H. Skarżyński M.D., Ph.D., MSc., the Board Member of the Center of Hearing and Speech, Ltd.
- Dr hab. n. med. mgr zarz. Piotr H. Skarżyński wśród 20 Top Menadżerów 2015
The list of the best business leaders in Poland was prepared on the basis of a poll conducted among managers at the turn of November and December of 2015. More than 30 respondents selected Ass. Prof. Dr. Piotr H. Skarżyński due to his passionate attitude to the treatment combined with the scientific self-development and with high management capacities. Some other awarded managers included: the Managing Directors of the KGHM, the PKO BP, the Work Service, the Tauron, the Deutsche Bank, the AHP American Heart of Poland, as well as several the MDs of other Polish and foreign enterprises which are distinctive in the Polish market.
- Dr hab. n. med. mgr zarz. Piotr H. Skarżyński wśród 20 Top Menadżerów 2015